Exhibition Mice
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Post  SeaWatch junior Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:49 am


Firstly many thanks for joining the forum! You have made a wise and sensible decision to join a forum dedicated to breeding and exhibiting of the fancy mouse. Here we try to stay away from such pet subjects such as un planned litter and breeding for any other reason than to show.

This forum was designed and made for the intention for discussing the fancy mouse, after going on a lot of forums i thought there is nothing really out there for 'the fancier' but rather there were lots of 'pet' forums. Here we discuss all the in's and out's of breeding to show, not pets or feed to breed.

What I would like everyone to remember is that although we are here discussing mice it is nothing compared to going out there and doing it. As simple as it sounds you will never get the knowledge and the thinking of what it take's to breed show mice sat here on this forum. So take time out to go a visit a fancier. Learn from them ask as many questions as possible and if you don't understand or don't see what they are showing you ask and ask again, there is no point saying yes i see it when you don't really otherwise your never learn. All we can do is help and advise the new members, having the experience from the existing members of the NMC who have joined the forum.

There are certain sections of the forum you can only get to once you have joined the NMC, if you are a member and can't see 'mouse exchange' at the bottom of the screen please email a Admin member so they can look to see if you are a member before you are approved for access to those sections.

Thanks ,Admin x

SeaWatch junior
Big Boss Lady!

Number of posts : 93
Age : 38
Location : Weston Super Mare
Registration date : 2008-04-24

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